Unveiling Oral Cancer: Key Insights from Family 1st Dental | Dentist in Onawa

Did you know that oral cancer claims the life of one American every hour, according to The American Academy for Oral Systemic Health? Sadly, many cases remain undetected until it’s too late, underscoring the critical need for regular oral examinations. Being proactive and seeking early treatment offers the best chance of overcoming this disease and enjoying a long, healthy life. Here are some lesser-known facts about oral cancer, including warning signs, prevalence trends, and more.

1. Oral Cancer Affects More Men Than Women No matter your gender, you should be aware of the very real dangers of oral cancer. While studies conducted by the Oral Cancer Foundation have shown that oral cancer is on the rise among women too, a 2:1 incidence ratio between men and women still remains. This correlation may be due to the fact that, statistically speaking, men smoke and drink more than women. Regardless of your own habits, remain aware of the signs and symptoms and ask your doctor to perform a regular oral exam if they do not already.

2. Each Year, 450,000 New Cases Are Discovered As such, it is likely that oral cancer has affected someone in your life. Whether you know someone who has had or is currently dealing with their own struggle against oral cancer, you should know that they are not alone.

3. Alcohol and Tobacco Increase Your Risk Among the many risk factors, your lifestyle choices can have a huge impact on the likelihood of you developing this cancer. It is estimated by the Cancer Treatment Centers of America that roughly 80% of people with oral cancer are heavy smokers, while 70% are heavy drinkers. Add this unfortunate statistic to the list of reasons why you should leave the cigarettes behind.

4. When Detected Early Enough, Oral Cancer has a Cure Rate of 90% According to many experts, part of the reason why oral cancer can be so destructive is because it often goes undetected for long periods of time. Don’t overlook or ignore any suspicious new developments in your mouth and call your doctor or oral surgeon as soon as you notice anything amiss.

The best way to overcome oral cancer is to stay informed and catch it early. As something that is important to all dental professionals, we hope you will take this disease just as seriously as we do. We look forward to helping you stay healthy and protecting your oral health throughout your life. If you have any questions, call or contact our office today, and we will assist you however we can.

Family First Dental – Onawa
Phone: (712) 433-3937
909 Iowa Avenue
Onawa, IA 51040

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